Returnable items must be:

  • Purchased within 30 days of receipt of your shipment

  • In original condition

  • Clean and unused


  • There are no additional charges for returns

  • Original shipping charges are non-refundable

  • You are responsible for return shipping charges

To receive a refund, email and provide your name, order number, and reason for your return. If you are approved, returns will be processed within 10 business days.


  • Cancellations must be made within 24 hours and before the item has been shipped

  • To cancel an order, please email

Exchanges & Exceptions:

  • You may request an exchange for any damaged/defective item.

  • We will send you either an entirely new product or a replacement of the damaged piece.

    The item must be:

  • Purchased within 30 days of receipt of your shipment

  • In original condition

  • Clean and unused